What is a gay bar performer

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There were 14 performers on the bill to benefit the Orlando, Fla., shooting victims. (Photo: DENNY SIMMONS)ĭENNY SIMMONS / COURIER & PRESS Jasmine Dior performs for the crowd at Scandals Night Club Wednesday night. (Photo: DENNY SIMMONS)ĭENNY SIMMONS / COURIER & PRESS Ivanna Reason takes a turn on the stage at Scandals Night Club Wednesday night. (Photo: DENNY SIMMONS)ĭENNY SIMMONS / COURIER & PRESS Violet Black Michaels performs at Scandals Night Club Wednesday night. (Photo: DENNY SIMMONS)ĭENNY SIMMONS / COURIER & PRESS Ivanna Reason owns the stage during a performance at Scandals Night Club Wednesday night. Payne also performs as Sierra Dianalli when he's in the mood. (Photo: DENNY SIMMONS)ĭENNY SIMMONS / COURIER & PRESS Joshe Payne donates one of many dollars to performer Ivanna Reason at Scandals Night Club during a benefit for the victims of the Orlando, Fla., shooting last week. Havoc, whose real name is Silas Griffin, is the reigning 2015 Mister Indiana US of A - Male Impersonator. DENNY SIMMONS / COURIER & PRESS Xander Havoc performs at the Scandals Night Club to help raise money for the shooting victims in Orlando, Fla., last week.

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